
Vince Hogg ready to reveal all

Vincent Hogg wishes to reveal his observations of the ZCU controversy to the ICC

Wisden Cricinfo staff

Vince Hogg: 'It wouldn't have bothered me who was listening' © Getty Images
Vincent Hogg, who resigned as managing director of the Zimbabwe Cricket Union in August, has until now kept his silence over the whole rebel-player crisis. But AFP are reporting that he was ready to tell all to the ICC hearing into allegations of racism levelled against the Zimbabwe board.
As the hearing was cancelled, Hogg will instead write to the ICC outlining several incidents involving black ZCU directors, explaining that these led to his decision to stand down at the board's AGM.
"I am going to write to the adjudicators describing some of the things that were done and said to me during the dispute with the players," he told the agency. "For instance one director told me that whites have no right to be in the country at all ... and that was during a formal meeting.
"Some of the directors were totally out of order in this regard and it was extremely upsetting to have to listen to that sort of racist language," he continued. "I was hoping to give this evidence orally to the two adjudicators when they were here last week, but I did not get the chance."
The news that Hogg is willing to speak out will be a blow to the Zimbabwe board. Whereas it believed that it could counter the players' evidence, the testimony of Hogg, who was privy to most board meetings, will be harder to dismiss. Hogg was embroiled in several incidents towards the end of his tenure, and whereas those would have been recounted to the hearing third hand, his testimony could be far more damning. He added: "Some of the things said to me at that time were just terrible."
But Hogg said that he did not agree with the rebels that the national selectors acted improperly or favoured coloured players over whites.