
Taylor - Teams should not be fined

SYDNEY, Feb 3 AAP - Former Australian cricket captain Mark Taylor believes teams who withdraw from World Cup matches should not be fined

Adrian Warren
SYDNEY, Feb 3 AAP - Former Australian cricket captain Mark Taylor believes teams who withdraw from World Cup matches should not be fined.
Taylor, who was captain of the Australian side that conceded two points when it forfeited a World Cup match against in Sri Lanka seven years ago, said the points loss would be sufficient.
Reports have suggested New Zealand could be fined as much as $A2.3 million from its estimated $A13.6 million share of tournament revenues for its defiance of an ICC directive that its match against Kenya should proceed.
But Taylor thought that was going way too far.
"At the end of the day, what happened in 1996 worked out reasonably well," said Taylor.
"We weren't all that comfortable about going over there, the Australian Government, along with the Australian Cricket Board, stepped in and said the side is not going and Sri Lanka got the two points which was fair enough.
"We didn't play, we didn't get penalised in any way, we didn't get the points in the game, but we didn't get penalised, that's what should happen."
Taylor said he was looking forward to "quite a close World Cup" and thought a few sides would go pretty well apart from tournament favourites Australia and South Africa.
"There's three (teams) in my dark horse stable," Taylor said.
"Firstly Pakistan, because you never know how they're going to play and they've proven in World Cups they are a dangerous side and if they get it right they've got the talent to win games of cricket.
"The West Indies are probably the big outsiders. If (batsman Brian) Lara plays well and he can probably average over 50 and makes runs in the big games, they've got the bowlers that might be able to bowl sides out.
"And thirdly, New Zealand, I think they are a pretty good bet. (All-rounder) Chris Cairns seems to be on the comeback trail from injury and if he plays well I think they are a good all round one-day side and they will go close.
"I think Australia is entitled to be favourite, although they are not clear cut by any means.
"I think South Africa will play well, but you've only got to go back 12 months where Australia played South Africa in South Africa and beat them 5-1 with one tie, so Australia has definitely had the wood over South Africa in recent times, but in World Cup, it gets down to the last four - it's just who does the business on the day."