Media release

SLC at an Emergency Committee Meeting

Sri Lanka Cricket at an Emergency Committee Meeting held on 27th December 2004 expressed its profound sorrow and deepest sympathies to all those families and individuals affected by the Tsunami which occurred on 26th December 2004

Sri Lanka Cricket at an Emergency Committee Meeting held on 27th December 2004 expressed its profound sorrow and deepest sympathies to all those families and individuals affected by the Tsunami which occurred on 26th December 2004.
SLC on behalf of its Membership and the Cricketers, being aware of its social responsibilities and the effect upon the community arising out of the disaster has therefore decided to :
a)To assist through the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs in executing their programme of relief and rehabilitation work
b) To maintain a Centre cum Camp to alleviate the hardship caused to such families due to the above. A special Task Force cum Sub-Committee headed by Immediate Past President, Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala has been appointed for this purpose and to take immediate steps towards it's implementation
c) SLC has also decided to reschedule all cricket matches including domestic cricket outside the mourning period of 5 days in Sri Lanka
d) SLC has reached agreement with the New Zealand Cricket Inc. to reschedule the rest of the ODI's and Test Matches and the revised new dates / venues will be notified later